Family Readiness Program The Family Readiness Program has two areas of interest: Family Readiness and Family Support. Although these two terms sound the same, they are different. Family Readiness provides information and promotes awareness to our members and their families on benefits and entitlements available to them such as ID Cards (DEERS), Medical and Dental Care (TRICARE), Life Insurance (SGLI/VGLI), Military Pay & Allowances (DFAS), Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act ( USERRA), Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), Space Available Travel, Commissary, BX, Air Force Aid Society, American Red Cross, etc. Family Support is the mutual help and emotional support that family members provide to each other. This is the Family Readiness Group (FRG). The FRG provides family support by giving comfort and information to our members, their families and friends, especially during periods of family separation. The FRG has a Military Family Readiness point of contact for each unit in the Wing. The backbone of the Family Readiness Group are the volunteers who comprise the FRG. The FRG is made up of family members, Guard members, and others in the community who have an interest in the unit and desire to work together to promote the units welfare. A strong Guard family is essential to the success of the mission. Just as there is a chain of command to inform and support our members to carry out the mission, we must also link a family chain of concern that will inform and support our families. This link is the Family Readiness Program. The objective of the Family Readiness Program is to prepare our members and their families for the possibility of recall, mobilization and separation, and to identify the quality of life issues that ultimately affect the mission. Developing and maintaining a strong communication and support network between the 163rd Reconnaissance Wing and its families will better prepare us to endure the sacrifices and successfully accomplish our mission. If you would like to become a volunteer, please contact your unit Family Readiness Office at 951-655-2165. There's also a support program called "Military OneSource" that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you find information and provide referral service. Military One Source can be contacted at 1-800-342-9647 or You will need the User ID: military, and Password: onesource, to access the web site. Emergency Contact Information for Deployed Personnel 163d RW Headquarters: DSN: 312-447-3737 Commercial: 951-655-3737 163d RW Family Readiness Office: DSN: 447-2165 Commercial: 951-655-2165 163d RW Chaplain's Office: DSN: 447-5404 Commercial: 951-655-5404 American Red Cross: 415-427-8000 (24hrs) TRICARE: 800-242-6788 For additional information, visit the links below: