Family Readiness

Here you will find information describing the Family Readiness Program, as well as benefit info, volunteer opportunities and helpful links.

Family Readiness Program

The Wing Family Readiness Program was officially funded and operational on Nov. 1, 2001 shortly after the aftermath of Sept. 11. Prior to that, family support was a program overseen by the Retention Mangement Office at Military Personnel. It's conversion into a fully funded program was to be administered by one paid staff member, the Wing Family Program Coordinator. Under that position, each of the four groups under the Wing are to have a Family Readiness Group comprised of volunteers with one designated Unit Volunteer Coordinator (UVC) and a corresponding Military Point of Contact (MPOC). Both work in unison to develop a meaningful family readiness and support service to its unit families.

Family Readiness

Readiness for families encompasses more than just the preparation for their sponsor's deployment. It includes responsibility for preparing for natural disasters, evacuation of home incidental to disasters, and accounting for personal, financial and legal affairs of their sponsor in the event of an emergency or fatality. Through involvement in the program and self-learning via on-line resources such as, the National Guard Bureau Family Program hopes to develop 21st century National Guard families into resilient and resourceful and prepared families. Examples of readiness agencies are: Family Readiness Office, Legal Office (JAG), Employer Support to Guard & Reserve (ESGR), TriCare/TriWest, United Concordia, VA Healthcare, Benefits and Services, Military Pay, and the Chaplain.

Family Support

Prior to standing up the Family Readiness Program in 2001, this service was known as family support. Examples of known family support activities initiated by families in their local unit were hosting Meet & Greet gatherings, creating deployment "goodie bags" and coordinating a deployment send off reception or homecoming reception. However, the needs of the National Guard Bureau with respect to their goal of building strong resilient and resourceful families necessitated developing a different mindset for families that directed their focus to actively preparing for deployment year round. "Operation: Ready Families" and the term family "readiness" officially replaced the term family support in favor of developing a lifestyle that puts them in tune with their sponsor's commitment for maintaining a "ready state" for deployment.

Volunteer Opportunities

The role you play in our FRG is your choice. There are many projects to become involved in and each is important. Opportunities are available with communication, newsletters, hospitality, social functions, materials preparation and there are many training programs available. Additionally, recruitment for these positions are not confined to family members. Veterans, retirees and private citizens from the community who desire to support our local service members and their families are welcome!